Intro to Handgun 1 – 4/6 @ 530pm
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
Need to be pushed in your drills? Want to shoot in front of the line at the range? Are you dynamically certified and want to practice you draw and engaging […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
This course is for the beginning to intermediate student who desires to become more fundamentally sound with handgun manipulation. This class is designed to perfect magazine changes, the use of […]
Personal Protection in the Home 1 covers the relevant laws as it relates to deadly force inside and outside the home using class discussion and table top exercises. To reinforce […]
Introduction to Handgun 2 takes off where Introduction to Handgun 1 left off. There will be a review of the topics and skills learned in Introduction to Handgun 1 and […]
Platinum member Private Event for 10 shooters and 4 lanes
Contracted Range Usage
This lab is being offered to those who wish to develop a proper technique to draw from the holster in order to quickly address a threat for defensive handgun or […]
Government Contracted Range Use
Government Contracted Range Use
Government Contracted Range Use
This lab is designed to introduce, or affirm, the six primary fundamentals of handgun shooting to each student and demonstrate how these same fundamentals affect basic marksmanship. These fundamentals include […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
Need to be pushed in your drills? Want to shoot in front of the line at the range? Are you dynamically certified and want to practice you draw and engaging […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
Handgun Tactics 1 View More:
It is always an exciting time to learn about firearms and personal protection. PWG supports the need to protect yourself at home and beyond. This course is designed for anyone […]
Introduction to Handgun 2 takes off where Introduction to Handgun 1 left off. There will be a review of the topics and skills learned in Introduction to Handgun 1 and […]
Contracted Government Range Use