Every week we will work on a new fundamental. Free for members, $20 for non-members.
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
This lab is designed to introduce, or affirm, the six primary fundamentals of handgun shooting to each student and demonstrate how these same fundamentals affect basic marksmanship. These fundamentals include […]
This lab is being offered to those who wish to develop a proper technique to draw from the holster in order to quickly address a threat for defensive handgun or […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no shotgun experience but has the desire to use a shotgun for self defense in the home. The class consists […]
Handgun Next Steps takes off where Introduction to Handgun first steps left off. There will be a review of the topics and skills learned in Introduction to Handgun 1 and […]
This course is intended for the individual with little or no firearms experience at all. There is not a great deal of range time in this class. This class is […]
Personal Protection in the Home 1 covers the relevant laws as it relates to deadly force inside and outside the home using class discussion and table top exercises. To reinforce […]
PWG is a proud member and supporter of San Diego County Gun Owners and together we have worked hard to bring California CCWs to San Diego. We are proud to […]
PWG is a proud member and supporter of San Diego County Gun Owners and together we have worked hard to bring California CCWs to San Diego. We are proud to […]
Every week we will work on a new fundamental. Free for members, $20 for non-members. *2 HOURS LONG